Ungrounded Receptacles in Older Homes -Wenatchee Home Inspections

Common for homes built around 1962 and earlier there will not be any grounding conductors to the receptacle outlets in the home. The Equipment grounding conductor (the third prong on the receptacle outlet) provides extra safety to the circuit by creating a low resistance path back to the electrical panel to open the circuit in a fault condition.
Missing an equipment ground and what it means to you.
For many modern electronics such as computers, TV’s, Audio equipment and so on, this grounding conductor is needed to safeguard the electronics from induced currents and other voltage issues.
Without a ground (grounding conductor) surge protectors will not function if you are trying to protect sensitive electronic equipment. This can lead to damaged equipment and shorted lifespans to some equipment.
What are some of my options?
In homes that are wired with a 2-wire system (typically pre-1962) you have several different options for repair.
1- The best, and most expensive, is to have the circuits rewired with modern wiring. I highly recommend this if any renovation are to be performed.
2- Next , You can keep the receptacles a two prong style and supplement the area with additional circuits that are grounded. Many items such as clocks and lights do not need a grounding conductor to function as designed.
3- You may also run an equipment grounding conductor to the receptacle and connect that equipment ground to any part of the grounding electrode system or circuit that originated at the electrical panel. In most cases if you are going to the trouble of doing this it is just as easy to run new wire.
4 – Another option is to provide GFCI protection. This can be done with GFCI receptacles or with GFCI protected circuit (breaker in panel or GFCI receptacle upstream on the circuit). This is an acceptable repair for open grounds, but they need to be properly labeled; “No Equipment ground” if it is a GFCI receptacle or “GFCI Protected – No Equipment Ground” if on a receptacle that is being protected by another GFCI device.

Feel free to contact me and I can help you understand some of these options and what may be the best fit for you.
If you find any errors or have additional information that would expand on any code, building standards or manufacturer requirements please let me know.
NCW Home Inspections, LLC is a Licensed Washington State Home Inspection service located in Wenatchee Washington serving Chelan County, Douglas County, Kittitas County, Okanogan County and Grant County Washington and the cities of Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Cashmere, Oroville, Cle Elum, East Wenatchee, Quincy and many more…
Your Wenatchee and Chelan Professional Real Estate, Home and Structural Pest Inspection Service
Coordinator & Instructor- Fundamentals of Home Inspection- Bellingham Technical College
Former WA Home Inspector Advisory Licensing Board
www.ncwhomeinspections.com 509-670-9572
You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and on my website Blog.
If you find any errors or have additional information that would expand on any code, building standards or manufacturer requirements please let me know.
NCW Home Inspections, LLC is a Licensed Washington State Home Inspection service located in Wenatchee Washington serving Chelan County, Douglas County, Kittitas County, Okanogan County and Grant County Washington and the cities of Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Cashmere, Oroville, Cle Elum, East Wenatchee, Quincy and many more…
Your Wenatchee and Chelan Professional Real Estate, Home and Structural Pest Inspection Service
Coordinator & Instructor- Fundamentals of Home Inspection- Bellingham Technical College
Former WA Home Inspector Advisory Licensing Board
www.ncwhomeinspections.com 509-670-9572
You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and on my website Blog.
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