Try Natural Lawn Care?

Here are some great tips on natural lawn care from Seattle. This is aimed at Western Washington but many many of the principles apply to other areas as well.
Here are the 6 steps-
- Mow higher (1-2 inches), mow regularly, and leave the clippings
- Use “natural organic” or “slow release” fertilizers
- Water deeply, to moisten the whole root zone, but less frequently
- Improve poor lawns with aeration, over-seeding, and top-dressing with compost
- Think twice before using “weed and feed” or other pesticides
- Consider alternatives to lawns on steep slopes, shady areas, or near streams and lakes

Here is a link to the PDF- NaturalLawnCare.pdf
Our lawns are a place for play and enjoyment, but can use a lot of water and we should all try to reduce the need for pesticides and fertilizers. Some of these helpful tips can help you achieve a lawn that is safe for the pets, people and the environment.
If you find any errors or have additional information that would expand on any code, building standards or manufacturer requirements please let me know.
NCW Home Inspections, LLC is a Licensed Washington State Home Inspection service located in Wenatchee Washington serving Chelan County, Douglas County, Kittitas County, Okanogan County and Grant County Washington and the cities of Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Cashmere, Oroville, Cle Elum, East Wenatchee, Quincy and many more…
Your Wenatchee and Chelan Professional Real Estate, Home and Structural Pest Inspection Service
Instructor- Fundamentals of Home Inspection- Bellingham Technical College
WA Home Inspector Advisory Licensing Board 509-670-9572
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