Now I’m talking nipples- Need a pinch? Wiring in the electrical Panel.
Now I’m talking nipples- Need a pinch? Wenatchee and Quincy Home Inspection Services Every once Read more…
Now I’m talking nipples- Need a pinch? Wenatchee and Quincy Home Inspection Services Every once Read more…
Are codes an end all of proper construction and safety? Wenatchee and Chelan Home Inspection Services In recent discussion board I let myself get into a bit of a debate about codes, appropriateness of the codes and how they affect building industry. The main question was… “ if you build Read more…
I am worn out- Chelan and Leavenworth Real Estate Inspection Well Okay I am not worn out… maybe just a little tired. One of the things we take for granted in our home is the electrical system and especially receptacles, or what most people call outlets and these devices do Read more…