East Wenatchee Real Estate Wentachee Home Inspections- All about Smoke Detectors.

East Wenatchee Real Estate  Wentachee Home Inspections- All about Smoke Detectors. One of the best safety devices you can have in your home is a smoke detector. Not having smoke detectors that are functioning and in all the proper locations is a life safety issue.                                                                                                               It is very important to understand Read more…

Cashmere and Okanogan County Home Inspections- Site StormWater Control

Cashmere and Okanogan County Home Inspections-Site StormWater Control Private Facility Inspection and Enforcement Protocol “The Eastern Washington Phase II Municipal Storm-water Permit requires that we protect water quality and reduce the discharge of pollutants into receiving waters. As part of the Permit, the regional counties must reduce pollutant discharges from storm-water management Read more…