Bird and a Wire

On my way back from an inspection today I spotted an Osprey sitting on a power pole.

I tried to get closer but off he flew.

I love catching a photo of these majestic birds when ever possible.
NCW Home Inspections, LLC is a Licensed Washington State Home Inspection service located in Wenatchee Washington serving Chelan County, Douglas County, Kittitas County, Okanogan County and Grant County Washington and the cities of Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Cashmere, Oroville, Cle Elum, East Wenatchee, Quincy and many more…
Your Wenatchee and Chelan Professional Real Estate, Home and Structural Pest Inspection Service
Instructor- Fundamentals of Home Inspection- Bellingham Technical College
WA Home Inspector Advisory Licensing Board 509-670-9572
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